Assessments 2016
The Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association announced an assessment increase. The Glenmore Woods board has been able to achieve a reserve equal to nearly one year of operating income over the last 11 years, whereas 11 years ago we had nothing in reserves. We have taken a very conservative approach to building up reserves without any special assessments or unreasonable increases in monthly assessments. This reserve is essential to protecting the interests of our community from unforeseen events.
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HOA Meeting Minutes for October 26, 2015
Glenmore Woods Home Owners Association meeting was held on October 26, 2015 at 7:00pm at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted on hour and fifty minutes. The meeting agenda was as follows
- Guest Speaker: Ryan Stanley and Larry McCotter from Native Restoration Services, Inc. on Buckthorn eradication.
- Discuss Buckthorn eradication proposal
- Mariani swale explanation
- Discuss landscape proposals
- Discuss proposal for assessment increase
- Any open issues
- Date for the next meeting
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HOA Meeting Minutes for June 1, 2015
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held a meeting on Monday, June 1, 2015 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the Mariani offices at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted 55 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
HOA Meeting
900 North Shore Drive
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Monday, June 1, 2015
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Glenmore Woods Pond Maintenance
Glenmore Woods has traditionally covered pond maintenance for the two ponds on the property that involves treating them for algae. The ponds are treated because the algae builds up and makes for unsightly ponds if they are not treated. There has been a new maintenance item that has come up. After the winter of 2014, which was very cold, the ponds froze solid for at least a month. This depleted oxygen from the fish which cause many fish to die.
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2015 AGM Meeting Minutes
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held their Annual General Meeting on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the Mariani offices at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted 30 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Annual General Meeting
900 North Shore Drive
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Monday, March 2, 2015
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HOA Meeting Minutes for November 23, 2014
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HOA Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2014
Glenmore Woods August 19, 2014 Meeting
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Meeting - August 19, 2014 7:00pm
Board members: John Lucas, David Coughlin, Bruce Watts, Joe Sturonas
Homeowners: none present
Mariani Offices
900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
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DuPont Class Action Lawsuit Settlement for Imprelis Update
There was a class action lawsuit against DuPont for the sale of Imprelis to lawn care professionals, golf courses and self applicators. Imprelis was a herbicide (weed-killer or weed-control product) approved for use in many states across the country (except California and New York) and was used by Mariani at Glenmore Woods between August 31, 2010, and August 21, 2011. In addition to weeds, the lawsuit claims that Imprelis also kills and damages certain trees and other non-target vegetation. DuPont suspended the sale of Imprelis after receiving reports of damaged and dying trees across the U.S. Mariani applied Imprelis to the product specifications.
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Read more: DuPont Class Action Lawsuit Settlement for Imprelis Update
2014 AGM Meeting Minutes
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday May 20 2014 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the Mariani offices at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted 50 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Annual General Meeting - May 20 2014 7:00pm
900 North Shore Drive
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
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HOA Meeting Minutes for April 27, 2014
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Meeting - April 27, 2014 4:30pm
Home of Joe Sturonas
Board members: Bruce Watts, David Coughlin, Joe Sturonas
Homeowners: None
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HOA Meeting Minutes for December 15, 2013
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Meeting Minutes - December 15, 2013, 5:00pm
Meeting minutes from the Glenmore Woods Home Owners Association Board meeting.
Joe Sturonas Home
Board Members: David Coughlin, Bruce Watts, Joe Sturonas
Homeowners: Tim Cummins
Meeting minutes are below:
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HOA Meeting Minutes for November 24, 2013
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Meeting Minutes - November 24, 2013, 5:00pm
Meeting minutes from the Glenmore Woods Home Owners Association Board meeting.
Joe Sturonas Home
Board Members: David Coughlin, Bruce Watts, Joe Sturonas
Homeowners: None
Meeting minutes are below:
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