Meeting Minutes for September 8, 2013
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Meeting - September 08 2013 6:30pm
Meeting minutes from the Glenmore Woods HOA board.
Joe Sturonas' Home
Board Members: David Coughlin, Bruce Watts, Joe Sturonas
Homeowners: None
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Keep your cars, garage and house locked
There have been numerous reported burglaries in Glenmore Woods over the years. In most cases, perpetrators go through the neighborhood after midnight, and steal from unlocked garages and cars. Please lock all cars, garages and houses at night and if you see anyone going through the neighborhood that looks suspicious, call 911. If everyone locks their cars, garages and houses consistently, Glenmore Woods will be less likely to experience this sort of activity.
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2013 AGM Meeting Minutes
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday February 6 2013 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the Mariani offices at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted 40 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.
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Dormant Pruning
The question of dormant pruning has come up, so here is an explanation as to what it is and why it could be helpful. The question really came up because Mariani quoted some homeowners for dormant pruning, and the wanted to know if dormant pruning was already included in what we contract Mariani for?
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Board Elections 2013

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Lake County IL Coyotes
Coyotes have been in the Lake County IL area since before the 1800's, and it is not unusual to see Coyotes in the Glenmore Woods area from time to time. Many residents have even heard Coyotes at night. Coyotes have been given a little more attention because there have been news stories of Coyotes in the Chicago city limits, specifically in Wrigleyville.
The Lake County Illinois Forest Preserve has a very good guide on Coyotes than can be found here. Lake County also has a "Coyotes in Lake County: Who to Call and When" guide. This guide tells you who to call if a coyote is acting aggressively toward a human or a pet within a Forest Preserve, or if coyote is in a confined area and is unable to leave.
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Meeting Minutes for December 2, 2012
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held their fourth and final for 2012 Homeowers Meeting on Sunday December 2, 2012 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the home of John Lucas. The meeting lasted 60 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.
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Homeowners Meeting December 2, 2012 7:00pm
The fourth Homeowners Meeting for 2012 will be held at the home of John Lucas on Sunday, December 2, 2012 at 7:00pm. The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes.
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Meeting Minutes November 19, 2012
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held their third Homeowers Meeting on Monday November 19, 2012 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the Mariani offices at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted 30 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.
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Meeting Minutes September 23, 2012
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held their second Homeowers Meeting on Sunday September 23, 2012 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the home of Joe Sturonas. The meeting lasted 30 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.
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2012 AGM Meeting Minutes
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday May 15 2012 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the Mariani offices at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted one hour. The minutes from the meeting follow.
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Asphalt Path Replacement
The Asphalt Path, in the back of the neighborhood that connects Glenmore Woods to the Lake County Forest Preserve path, has been deteriorating over the years. The asphalt is being removed, and instead of another asphalt path, it is being replaced with a crushed limestone path. The crushed limestone path will be easier to maintain than the asphalt path going forward. This work was supposed to commence the week of Oct 24 2011, but they were able to start earlier (Oct 15th 2011).
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