Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Meeting - September 08 2013 6:30pm

Meeting minutes from the Glenmore Woods HOA board. 

Joe Sturonas' Home

Board Members: David Coughlin, Bruce Watts, Joe Sturonas

Homeowners: None



  • Review the takeaways from the AGM

o    Work on a resolution of the long term drainage issue; this would include having someone clean out the box culverts.  The board would also like to revisit the possibility of doing a controlled burn.  Sarah will review old correspondence from P. Clifford Miller to refresh everyone’s memory and see if we can find someone to undertake this.   Tom suggested maybe a local fire department would do it as a training exercise.

o    Other water issues exist in some areas where a simple drain tile or swale could allow water to drain into an existing pond or culvert.  These can be handled by Mariani.

o    A fountain in the first pond would be attractive and would help with algae build up.  Sarah will obtain a quote to run power to the area and have a fountain purchased and installed.

o    Tom and Sue also inquired about the fact that some years back, the neighborhood seemed to have many social activities and wondered if they could try something again.  The Board agreed to allocate $200 and Tom and Sue were recruited to think about and plan something.  They will try to find others to work with them in this regard.


  • Review the repair of the streetlight on Isleworth
  • Review 24 hour notice from Mariani before applying fertilizer.
  • Date for the next meeting


Meeting Minutes:


We had several follow up items:


1.   Sarah is working on a quote from Mariani to clean out the box culverts.

2.    Sarah is still working on finding a contractor for the control burn assessment.

3.    Sarah is working on a quote from Mariani on the French drain between Windmere and Ashford Drive.

4.    Sarah is working on a quote from Marian to drain the area between Oakhaven Ct. and the first pond.

5.    Regarding the quote for the Fountain in the first pond. Sarah spoke to the electrician that is working on the Isleworth light problem and he was getting in touch with Com Ed to see if you could tap into the service at one of the light poles.  She will  check back with him to see if he heard back.

6.    Sarah is following up on the missing cap next to the fire hydrant by Windmere and Ashford Drive.

7.    Regarding the status of the street light repair in Isleworth. Making SLOW progress.  This is due to Com Ed not being very responsive or swift.  As of yesterday, Hucker Electric had finally gotten approval to install the new wiring to be connected to a different light pole and it has been installed.  Now we just have to wait for Com Ed to come out and connect it.  

8.    Next meeting in early November. Board is working on potential dates. 

9. John is working with Mariani on notification of fertilization.