Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday February 6 2013 at 7:00pm. The meeting was at the Mariani offices at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted 40 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.


Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Annual General Meeting - May 15 2012 7:00pm
900 North Shore Drive
Lake Bluff, IL 60044

Board Members: John Lucas, David Coughlin, Bruce Watts
Homeowners: Sue Ebert, Tom Ebert, Marty Caldwell
Property Manager: Sarah McMaster

  • The Minutes of the 2012 AGM were passed out and reviewed.  Tom moved to approve the minutes, Dave seconded.  All in favor, motion passed.
  • Sarah explained that no other owners came forward to run for a board position, so John Lucas and Bruce Watts are running unopposed.  Given that, no paper ballot is needed.  She asked for a motion to adopt the slate by acclamation.  Tom so moved, Marty seconded, all in favor, motion passed.
  • Noise from Bradley Rd. was discussed.  Bruce has been able to determine that Plant #2 IPC has a huge exhaust fan that goes on and off, seemingly at random.  There is no pattern to the cycle.


  • The Board identified and prioritized needed projects for the coming year.
  1. Work on a resolution of the long term drainage issue; this would include having someone clean out the box culverts.  The board would also like to revisit the possibility of doing a controlled burn.  Sarah will review old correspondence from P. Clifford Miller to refresh everyone’s memory and see if we can find someone to undertake this.   Tom suggested maybe a local fire department would do it as a training exercise.
  2. Other water issues exist in some areas where a simple drain tile or swale could allow water to drain into an existing pond or culvert.  These can be handled by Mariani.
  3. A fountain in the first pond would be attractive and would help with algae build up.  Sarah will obtain a quote to run power to the area and have a fountain purchased and installed.
  4. Tom and Sue also inquired about the fact that some years back, the neighborhood seemed to have many social activities and wondered if they could try something again.  The Board agreed to allocate $200 and Tom and Sue were recruited to think about and plan something.  They will try to find others to work with them in this regard.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Before the AGM, Dan Segrue met with homeowners and board members at 6:40pm.
Board Meeting with Dan Segrue
6:40PM   Attending: John Lucas, David Coughlin and Bruce Watts

  • Question: What is going on west of the Harley store and east of the toll road?

Dan indicated that Dennis Dorsey is the Chair of the Planning, Zoning and Annexation committee for the Village of Lake Bluff. He has completed an inventory of the businesses in that area. Dan said we should ask Dennis. He did indicate that there has been a couple inquiries regarding the Jamaican Gardens property, one was a distillery.

  • Question: What is the status of the Metra Superstation?

Dan said that this is something the mayor is working on and it is a long term project. Long term is defined as meaning 20 or more years out.

  • Question: What is the Village doing about our roads?

Dan indicated that the Village engineers are RHMG and Bill Rickert was their representative who inspects our roads every spring. They rate the roads on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best. Ashford drive is on their list but he was not sure what the number was that the village had assigned to it. The money to fix the roads is coming from the Motor Fuel Tax almost exclusively. Dan did indicate that the Village Sticker money also went to the roads. He indicated that they were more aggressively going after people to get their stickers. He said they raised about 38,000 from the stickers. David asked if the money from the state was coming on time and Dan indicated that it was but not always.

  • Question Does Lake Bluff have a noise ordinance?

This question did not get answered directly as the conversation moved to the noise coming from the business off Bradley road. Bruce was working on that. At the end of the meeting he said that the company was IPCC Plant 2. Bruce said he called them a couple times but he never got a return call. John will give the info to Dan Segrue.
Train noise was mentioned and Dan indicated that three agencies are responsible for the rules that trains have to follow regarding their whistles. They are the RTA, the Federal Railroad Board and the State Department of Transportation. He indicated that getting that changed was going to be difficult.