A Glenmore Woods Homeowners AGM was held on Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 at 7:30 pm. The meeting was virtual over a conference bridge.
These meeting minutes have been approved by the HOA.
Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Annual General HOA Meeting
Glenmore Woods AGM, April 8, 2020 Agenda
- Approval of the minutes from December 19, 2019 Meeting
- Re-election of Board Members
- Sue Ebert
- Joe Sturonas
- Native Restoration Update
- Mariani Update
- Trees in common areas
- Pond Status
- Review Budget for FY2020
- Real Estate Tax Appeal Proposal Update
- Open forum
- The date for the next meeting
Board Members: Sue Ebert, J.V. Proesel, Roy Ladd, Martin Caldwell, Joe Sturonas
Property Manager: Sarah McMaster
Homeowners: Justin Berger, Michelle Manolovic, Jack Rohrbach, Kelly Rohrbach, Keri Willis, Paul Storiz, Sam Wagliardo, Jerry Herb
Meeting commences at 7:30 pm
Approval of the minutes from December 19, 2019 Meeting
Motion By: Roy to approve the meeting minutes
Seconded By: J.V.
In Favor: 5, Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0;
- Re-election of Board Members
- Sue Ebert
- Joe Sturonas
Motion By: Justin Berger to reelect Sue and Joe
Seconded By: Paul Storiz
In Favor: All; Opposed: None; Abstain: None;
Native Restoration Update
2 Stewardships for Areas 1, 2 & 3
Controlled Burn for Areas 1, 2 & 3
2 herbicide Treatments for Area 4
On Tuesday, April 7, 2020, Native Restorations were able to perform a controlled burn on part of Area 2, but not all of Area 2 or Area 1 and Area 3, due to the winds that kicked up before the storms came through. They said next week looks like no rain at all so he is anticipating completing all of the burns on Monday (April 13) or Tuesday (April 14). They also said what we were able to burn did burn really well.
Mariani Update
Renewed contract for 3 years
Includes maintenance of Sprinkler Systems in the front
Trees in common areas
There is a tree near the Koenig’s in the common area that is threatening private property. It is the only tree in the HOA, so homeowners will tackle this ourselves.
Pond Status
The back pond is not draining properly. Sarah is going to call Killian to clear out the pipes that connect ponds.
Review Budget for FY2020
Increased Monthly Assessment to $240
Landscape Maintenance Increase
Landscape Extras
EAB Spray
Buckthorn Stewardships
Mulch for Common Areas
Real Estate Tax Appeal Proposal Update
Expected by late April should hear something from the attorney’s. I asked if we can submit recent sales as comparable values, but it is too late for that this year.
Open forum
it was mentioned that there are a lot of dead bushes in the common areas. We are inquiring with the Lake County Forest Preserve to see if it is too late to order bushes through the sale they facilitate. Board members will schedule a walkthrough of the property, along with Jerry Herb to assess how many bushes are dead and need replacing.
Requesting if pond maintenance could start in April, Sarah will call a contractor.
It was asked if individual homeowners can remove buckthorn in common areas and replace them with privacy bushes and hedges. It is perfectly acceptable to remove buckthorn in common areas and replace them with privacy bushes and hedges. The Lake County Forest Preserve provided a brochure on native bushes and hedges for this area.
A homeowner asked if we could place a sign at the front of the subdivision to alert homeowners before a meeting, as an additional way to get the word out about a meeting. We will place a sign before the next meeting.
Some homeowners expressed concern about a pool that is up that poses a safety concern as well as aesthetics concerns. Pools without a fence are in violation of the Village of Green Oaks ordinances. This will be addressed by the Village of Green Oaks.
Justin Berger provided an update on the Road re-pavement. It is scheduled for this year, although when might be uncertain due to COVID-19.
Next Meeting Date
June 8, 2020, 7:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.