These meeting minutes have been approved by the HOA.
Glenmore Woods May 3, 2018 Meeting
Glenmore Woods Home Owners Association
Conference Bridge setup by Joe Sturonas
May 3, 2018 5:00pm
The meeting was 40 minutes
The Agenda for the meeting follows:
- Discuss the Exterior Project Proposal of Mr. and Mrs. Glotzer, Lot 35
28644 Windmere Court, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 - Review the agenda for the May 7, 2018 Meeting
Board Members Present: Sue Ebert, J.V. Proesel, Martin Caldwell, Joe Sturonas, Roy Ladd
Meeting Commences at 5:00pm
- Discuss the Exterior Project Proposal of Mr. and Mrs. Glotzer
Project Description - Installing a 18’ x 33’ above ground pool inset with a deck surrounding fence railing and entry gate with lock/latch.
On Saturday, April 28th, Jay Glotzer came to the home of Joe Sturonas, asking for approval of a deck, and Joe explained that there is an exterior project request form on the website, that he needs to fill out, along with the plans that would be submitted to the Village of Green Oaks.
This exterior project request was emailed to Joe Sturonas on Sunday April 29th at 9:13pm. This contained a not to scale drawing of a deck and an above ground pool.
On May 2, 2018, Karyn and Jay Glotzer emailed asking for the status of the approval, as they have arranged for construction of the pool and fence on May 10th.
We currently have no documentation that the Glotzer are actually the homeowners of lot 35, 28644 Windmere Court. There was no notification that the Glotzer have closed on the house owned by Femi Oguntokun Macaulay, as the Glenmore Woods Home Owners Association was never contacted as part of the closing, as the Glotzer’s have been renting the house at 28644 Windmere for the last couple of years. We have to get validation that the Glotzer’s are actually the home owners before we can review the exterior request. Will contact Sarah McMaster to validate and determine why Glenmore Woods HOA was not involved in the closing, because legally, it has to be involved.
We will proceed based on the assertion that the Jay Glotzer and Karyn Glotzer are indeed the proper home owners of 28644 Windmere Court.
The drawing was not to scale with the lot, but the deck states is 25’ by 40’. The drawing is not clear if the deck is superseding the existing deck, or extending the existing deck. The Glotzer foundation is 1,260 square feet, and the proposed deck is 1000 square feet, but not clear from the drawing if that is in addition to the existing deck/porch. What is also not clear is the elevation of the deck and the associated above ground pool.
In the description of the exterior proposal, the Glotzer called for a fence, and fences are explicitly forbidden according to the Glenmore Woods Declaration of Covenants section 8.03.
The board determined that this exterior project request cannot be approved without more documentation.
The board will need to see the documentation that the Glotzer would submit to the Village of Green Oaks. Joe Sturonas requested on May 3, 2018, during the meeting via email to Karyn Glotzer’s email.
- Review the agenda for the May 7, 2018 Meeting
Reviewed the proposed agenda for the May 7th meeting. Signage at the entrance of the subdivision was placed on Monday, April 30th advertising the meeting on May 7th, at the home of Joe Sturonas, 28607 Windmere Court, at 7:30pm.
Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.