Glenmore Woods Homeowners Meeting was held Monday, May 7th at 7:30pm. This was held at the home of Joe Sturonas. The meeting minutes follow:

These meeting minutes have been approved by the HOA.
Glenmore Woods May 7, 2018 Meeting
Glenmore Woods Home Owners Association
Home of Joe Sturonas
May 7, 2018 7:30pm
The meeting was 2 hours
The Agenda for the meeting follows:
  • Lake County Forest Preserve
    • Buckthorn eradication
  • Native Restoration Status
  • LCFP tree clearing status
  • Standing water in the neighborhood
  • Stocking ponds with fish update
  • Pond maintenance status
  • Parking in front of mailboxes
  • Pot holes
  • Open forum - All
  • Date for the next meeting - All

Board Members Present: Sue Ebert, J.V. Proesel, Martin Caldwell, Joe Sturonas, Roy Ladd
Home Owners Present: Justin Berger, Michael Fein

Meeting Commences at 7:30pm

  • Lake County Forest Preserve
    • Buckthorn eradication

The board voted a majority to continue evaluating the Lake County Forest Preserve partnership for buckthorn eradication.
Action Item: Complete financial modeling for 2019 - 2021 - Joe
Action Item: Research options for native species for privacy concerns - J.V.
Action Item: Walk the property to determine areas where buckthorn removal would remove privacy foliage - All
Action Item: Schedule meeting with LCFP - J.V., Joe

  • Native Restoration Status

Scheduled for this summer:
4 stewardships in area 1
3 stewardships in areas 2 and 3

  • LCFP tree clearing status

Sarah has not been able to get in touch with Erik at LCFP, will escalate.

  • Standing water in the neighborhood

Justin has been researching increased standing water between Oakhaven Court and Ashford Court. The research is focused on whether the surrounding drainage pipes might be partially blocked. The drainage sewers are a foot higher than the ground. Need to understand where the water goes from those storm sewers.

Action Item: Determine if Hickenbottom would assist the water being drained with assessment from an expert that Justin knows.

  • Stocking ponds with fish update

Jerry Herb will receive the fish and distribute to both ponds. Getting Large mouth bass.

  • Pond maintenance status

Started in April. Ponds look good.

  • Parking in front of mailboxes

There have been instances of residents cars parking in front of mailboxes, and letter carriers will not deliver the mail. One resident did not receive U.S. Mail for 2 weeks because a car was parked in front of their mailbox.
Action Item: Investigate remediation options and report back to board - Joe

  • Pot holes

Documented and reported pot holes to Village of Green Oaks.

  • Open forum - All

landscaping - Evidence of over salting near the curbs, as all the grass adjacent to the curbs is dead.
Action Item: Contact Mariani to reseed in common areas where salt has killed the grass by the curb - Sarah
Best snow removal over the winter in recent memory.
Action Item: Create a letter to new homeowners that welcome them and lets them know how to contact HOA - Sue

Exterior Project Request for Mr. Jay Glotzer and Mrs. Karyn Glotzer.
Project Description - Installing a 18’ x 33’ above ground pool inset with a deck surrounding fence railing and entry gate with lock/latch.

On Saturday, April 28th, Jay Glotzer came to the home of Joe Sturonas, asking for approval of a deck, and Joe explained that there is an exterior project request form on the website, that he needs to fill out, along with the plans that would be submitted to the Village of Green Oaks.

This exterior project request was emailed to Joe Sturonas on Sunday April 29th at 9:13pm. This contained a not to scale drawing of a deck and an above ground pool.

On May 2, 2018, Karyn and Jay Glotzer emailed asking for the status of the approval, as they have arranged for construction of the pool and fence on May 10th.

The board needs to see the documentation that the Glotzer would submit to the Village of Green Oaks. Joe Sturonas requested on May 3, 2018, via email to Karyn Glotzer’s email, the need for the documentation that would be submitted to Village of Green Oaks.

On May 4th, Karyn Glotzer emailed back a hand written diagram of the deck and above ground pool that includes. The new diagram showed different dimensions of the deck, which now shows it to be 39’ by 33’, which would be 1,287 square feet, which is larger than the foundation of the house, which is 1,260 square feet. Diagram is not clear if the existing deck/porch structure is subsumed or is an extension of, because the diagram does not include the house in the existing lot.

With the existing deck/porch, the total structure is estimated to be approximately 1600 square feet in size, extended way out into their lot.

Section 8.03 of the Declaration of Covenants disallows any temporary or permanent structure other than a house to be used as a dwelling, for storage or for any other purpose, either temporarily or permanently. The board discussed the requirement to protect the architectural and aesthetic integrity of the property and to protect the value of the property for all owners.
Motion: To approve the Jay Glotzer and Karyn Glotzer Exterior Project Request for Installing a 39’ x 33’ above ground pool inset with a deck surrounding fence railing and entry gate with lock/latch.
Motion By: J.V. Proesel
Seconded By: Roy Ladd
In Favor: 0, Opposed 5; Abstain: 0;