Larry Weil (Mariani)
Frank Mariani Jr. (Mariani)
Frank Keres
Tim Cummins
Sarah McMaster (Property Manager)
Board Members
John Lucas (chair)
Joe Sturonas
David Coughlin
Paul Herring
1. Prior meeting minutes approved – moved by John, seconded by Paul.
2. Old Business:
5. Adjourned – moved by John, seconded by Paul.
Larry Weil (Mariani)
Frank Mariani Jr. (Mariani)
Frank Keres
Tim Cummins
Sarah McMaster (Property Manager)
Board Members
John Lucas (chair)
Joe Sturonas
David Coughlin
Paul Herring
1. Prior meeting minutes approved – moved by John, seconded by Paul.
2. Old Business:
a. Bartlett Tree Expert analysis – Paul to follow up with David Story to determine timetable for prioritizing the action list of trees and starting remedial action. GW Board to notify homeowners impacted and to discuss their option of taking action on their own if trees threatening their property are not prioritized for immediate action. Frank Keres recommended notifying the underwriters of the analysis and the action we are taking. Paul suggested we also explore extending our coverage.
b. Buckthorn – we will obtain a quote from Bartlett to completely clear a defined area of buckthorn but this activity will only be considered as a second priority to addressing the tree issues discussed above.
c. Mariani:
i. Confirmed that they will provide a maintenance plan which can be posted on the GW website. Joe to follow up with Frank Mariani.
ii. Aeration is planned for October 18th
iii. Frank is transitioning in to replace Larry as our Client Representative. The transition is scheduled to be completed by the spring of 2008. Frank gave his permission for his phone number to be posted on the GW website and was happy for special requests by homeowners to be directed to him.
iv. Shrubs – some were lost as a result of the burst water pipe at the main entrance caused by the road construction. These will be replaced in the Spring. Crown borers have killed some Viburnum shrubs – these will be replaced with a difference species in 2008.
v. Japanese beetles do not yet appear to be a serious problem although European Chafer grub were found in the lawns and have been immediately treated with dylox pesticide (approximately 2 weeks ago). Merit will be applied next year as a further prevention from recurrence. These bugs attract burrowing animals that dig holes in the turf. Japanese Beetles are very attracted to roses and birch.
vi. The two primary complaints that Larry has heard are the size of the mowers used by the crews and the speed of pruning. They have advised the crews to use the walk-behind mowers as much as possible in yards and restrict the riding mowers to the common areas to avoid turf damage on very wet ground. They will attempt to complete pruning more quickly.
vii. Lack of cicadas experienced this summer is likely due to them generally avoiding wetlands and the disturbance of the soil during construction of our subdivision.
d. Parking restrictions and emergency egress – Green Oaks have confirmed that “no parking” signs may be erected at the main entrance and near the trail head for the forest preserve path. Joe is to meet with representatives to discuss the exact location of the signage. Green Oaks are in discussion with the Libertyville Fire Department regarding the need for an emergency access point to the sub-division. If this is confirmed, the village will contact Lake County Forest Preserve to discuss options.
e. Street lights – Sarah indicated that Hooker electricians have been notified of the street lights that need replacing – these should be taken care of very shortly.
f. Pond drainage – it was agreed that Mariani should be asked to maintain clear drainage ways between the ponds, including the culvert between ponds 3 and 4. We will also ask Mariani to quote on installing a French drain with pea gravel to maintain the drainage ditch running just west of Windmere into the drain leading to pond 3.
g. Garbage restrictions – a number of homeowners are not complying with restrictions and are putting out garbage on Sunday mornings. Sarah will write to each of these homeowners individually – the board to provide Sarah with the addresses.3. New Business
a. Green Oaks plans to change requirements for external structures – Paul notified the meeting that there will be a public hearing at the Village Hall next Wednesday, October 10th at 7:30pm to discuss these proposals. Homeowners considering external construction projects are encouraged to attend. A copy of the proposal has been posted on the GW web site.
b. Vehicle stickers – homeowners are reminded of their obligation to obtain a village vehicle sticker.
c. Storm drains and curbs – Frank Keres reported a raised storm drain near his mailbox that needs attention as well as one on the south side of Ashford Drive between Windmere and the forest preserve access path.
d. Mosquito Abatement – Green Oaks stops spraying Mosquitoes after Labor Day. It is possible to continue the spraying of Mosquitoes after Labor Day if GW wants to contract for it. Because Mosquitoes can travel up to 20 miles, and other neighboring villages stop spraying after Labor Day, the additional cost might not yield much benefit.
e. Other matters:
i. it was confirmed that special permission is not needed for a garage sale.
4. Next meeting will be December 5th at 7pm at Rondout subject to confirmation from the school that they have the space available.ii. The board was encouraged to explore increasing the monthly dues to finance further tree maintenance and management projects going forward. This will be looked at as part of preparations for the next meeting which will include a vote on the 2008 budget.
5. Adjourned – moved by John, seconded by Paul.