Several residents have asked about the status of the Rt. 176 acceleration lane.
First of all, there was some very tragic news, as reported in the Libertyville Review. A Lake Forsest Firefighter, Peter S. McWilliams, sustained severe injuries when his motorcycle crashed into the construction area. Our thoughts and prayers are with the McWilliams family, as we are all saddened by their loss.
With regards to the ongoing construction of the acceleration lane, during the inspection process of the construction site, a Village of Green Oaks engineer had noted that some of the underlayment processes might not have been properly followed during the construction process. Core samples were taken and are being analyzed. Thus construction has stopped until a resolution is found. If the core samples show the underlayment process to be flawed, then the asphalt must be removed and the underlayment process will be repeated.
The village of Green Oaks is doing what it can to complete this project in a timely manner. If the construction is not completed before the weather takes a turn for the worse, the village will provide a safe construction environment.