These meeting minutes have been approved by the HOA.
Glenmore Woods HOA Meeting, June 15, 2022 Agenda
- Mariani Client Representative JD Kaulentis Status Update - Feedback from homeowners
- Approval of the minutes from the February 28, 2022 Meeting
- Native Restoration Update
- Financials
- Open forum
Board Members: Sue Ebert, J.V. Proesel, Roy Ladd, Joe Sturonas
Guest: JD Kaulentis
Homeowners: 5 present
The meeting commences at 7:00 pm
- Mariani Client Representative JD Kaulentis Status Update - Feedback from homeowners
Mariani has completed Spring cleanup and maintenance is going as scheduled.
There was confusion on a part of the crew around whether to skip houses that had areas roped off, they tried to err on the side of caution.
Please contact JD Kaulentis directly if you would like to crew to skip areas of your home.
Detailed work will start the week of 19-June
There was confusion on a part of the crew around whether to skip houses that had areas roped off, they tried to err on the side of caution.
Please contact JD Kaulentis directly if you would like to crew to skip areas of your home.
Detailed work will start the week of 19-June
Please contact JD Kaulentis directly if you like your bed's edged. Sarah will send email to all homeowners.
The path behind the second pond has not been treated or mowed regularly, JD will investigate.
The path behind the second pond has not been treated or mowed regularly, JD will investigate.
- Approval of the minutes from the February 28, 2022 Meeting
Motion By: J.V. to approve the meeting minutes
Seconded By: Sue
In Favor: 4, Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0;
- Native Restoration Update
- 2022 two Stewardships for Areas 1, 2, 3, & 4
- Three Stewardships for Area 5
- Seeding for Area 4, in the non-shaded area. The seeding took place in March.
- Completed first stewardship
- Pulled 28 - 42 gallon contractor bags worth of garlic mustard, before they went to seed.
- Herbicide is applied to the usual weeds; buckthorn, thistles, teasel, nightshade, mullein, and various others.

- Open forum
Please be careful while driving past the ponds for turtles
Feedback from V3 clearing of buckthorn on the bike path and Rt. 176
Update from Sarah on the Ponds: Black dye was added on May 2, May 16, and June 13 2022 to both ponds.
Motion By: Roy to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm
Seconded By: J.V.
In Favor: 4, Opposed: 0; Abstain: 0;