If you use a company and have been very satisfied with the service they provided and want to add them to the referral page, please go to the Contact Us page and email a board member. Include the name of the company, what service they provide, their telephone number and any email or website. If the category is not currently listed on the referral page, it can be added.
The Business Referrals page is merely extending the word of mouth referrals we do with our neighbors today. As homeowners, we are always looking for people that have done good work for others in hopes that they will do good work for us.
As a disclaimer, Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association, its agents and volunteers, have not reviewed or approved these individuals and businesses; and Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association, its agents and volunteers make no recommendations, representations or warranties as to the suitability, fitness, work product, or any aspect whatsoever of these individuals and businesses.