The Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association held the AGM Homeowners meeting on 3/14/07 at the Rondout School cafeteria from 7:00pm until 7:30pm. Board members in attendance at the meeting included John Lucas, Paul Herring and Joe Sturonas.  Sarah McMaster was also in attendance.

A.    Election
B.    Mariani/Clifford
C.    Other matters

1.    Election -  Paul moved and Joe seconded motion to elect John Lucas as President. Unanimously approved.
2.    Mariani/Clifford – Reviewed new 3 year contract after Mariani held the rates for 3 years. Mariani did not aerate in the Fall – A question from the floor asked if we will get a credit for this. Sarah will follow up. Sarah will look into having an account rep assigned. John moved and Joe seconded appointment of Mariani for landscaping and Clifford for initial buckthorn removal. Paul agreed.
3.    Arborist – Sarah to contact two arborists to request they come out walk the property with the board and provide advice on the dying trees and buckthorn issues.
4.    Next meeting May 23rd 2007
5.    Open Floor
•    Request for recycling and trash to be put out Monday mornings. Board agreed to adopt an ordinance that garbage and recycling should not be put out before 8pm on Sunday evening (or the evening before trash pickup).
•    Complaint about erection of wood-duck home
•    Thanks from floor to Joe for putting up the web site. There have been suggestions of posting a list of recommended home service vendors.
•    Some comments that postal mail has been coming very late or not coming at all.
6.    Adjournment - Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm