Glenmore Woods Home Owners Association meeting was held on October 24, 2016 at 6:30pm . The meeting was at the Mariani offices at 900 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. The meeting lasted 90 minutes. The minutes from the meeting follow.
 Glenmore Woods Homeowners Association
Home Owners Association Meeting
900 North Shore Drive
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Monday, October 24, 2016

    • Landscaping Committee Status
    • Pond Committee Status
    • Open board position status
    • Status on Native Restorations buckthorn clearing
    • Review quotes for Mulch in common areas for the spring
    • Review quotes for shrubs in common areas for the spring
    • Discus plan for hazardous trees in common areas
    • Road Committee Status
    • Additional business
    • Next meeting date
Board Members: Sue Ebert, Bruce Watts, John Lucas, Joe Sturonas
Property Manager: Sarah McMaster
Homeowners: Mary Sweitzer, J.V. Proesel, Jerry Herb, Michael

  • Landscaping Committee Status
    • Currently in the process of obtaining proposals from various different landscaping contractors based on Glenmore Woods Landscape RFP.
    • If residents have yard waste they have gathered that needs to be removed, they may purchase yard waste stickers from Groot. They can also be purchased from Ace Hardware in Libertyville. Here is the link from Groot: BrightView is not responsible for picking up yard waste generated from homeowners own yard work.  
    • Action Item: Bruce to work with Sarah to get proposals back
    • BrightView Leaf Removal
      • BrightView will be blowing leaves to the curb line so that they can pick up with their leaf vacuum for the rest of the season.  BrightView was a little crunched for time on Friday October 22.  They will also be doing some bagging of leaves. BrightView does mulch leaves where they can mainly for the nutrients.  There is a little nutrient enhancement for the lawn with leaves.  They do not plan on leaving the leaves in the lawn.
  • Pond Committee Status
    • Evaluated proposals from McCloud (former contractor) and Environmental Technologies (current contractor). After reviewing services and fees, McCloud was chosen as the contractor for the ponds in 2017. In addition to the bi-monthly treatments, we are also contracting McCloud for Water Quality Enhancement program. The Water Quality Enhancement Program is designed to address four potential issues in lake management that aid in slowing down the aging of your pond.
      1. Annual Organic Sediment Accumulation
      2. Overall water clarity
      3. Balancing Excess Nutrient Levels
      4. Increased Decomposition Rates
      The program uses three products throughout the season. These products are different blends of beneficial bacteria, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Each product has been specially developed for a particular water temperature. The result is a targeted program that addresses the water body’s needs on a seasonal basis.
    • Action Item: Sarah to execute contract
  • Status on Native Restorations buckthorn clearing
    • Native restorations has completed the 5 stewardships in both areas
    • Weather permitting, they will conduct a controlled burn this fall
    • After the controlled burn, they will begin seeding this winter
    • We will continue with the stewardship of the two areas, but before continuing additional clearing, we are waiting on the outcome of the Forest Preserve Grant Partnership for buckthorn eradication. 
    • Action Item: Joe to follow up with Ryan on controlled burn
  • Review quotes for Mulch in common areas for the spring
    • We will include mulch in the common areas for the spring in our landscape proposal for 2017. 
    • We also discussed the possibility of chipping the felled trees for mulch as we will have approximately 56 felled trees in the common areas. 
    • Action Item: Sarah to include spring mulch in landscape proposal
  • Review quotes for shrubs in common areas for the spring
    • We will include the shrubs in the common areas for the spring in our landscape proposal for 2017. 
    • Action Item: Sarah to include shrubs in landscape proposal
  • Status on hazardous trees in common areas
  • Road Committee Status
  • Green Oaks Tax Referendum
    • Status from meeting?
    • Action Item: Sue to attend next meeting
  • Open board position status
  • Additional business
    • Asset search for a judgement on lost assessments from former homeowners
      • Action Item: Sarah to direct attorneys to proceed. 
    • Annexation, still researching.
  • Next meeting date
    • November 28th  7:00pm