The trees will be cut about a foot from the ground for the first cut, then Bartlett will come back after the snow is gone and flush cut as close to the ground as possible.
When they cut the trees down, they try to leave them as if nature had knocked them down. If one comes to rest on another neighboring tree, they will leave it if doing so won't hurt that tree and there is no risk of it falling the rest of the way by itself. As was discussed in the homeowners meetings, the boards primary concern is safety. The expense to remove the fallen trees is not in line with the safety concerns we are trying to remediate at this point in time. The board's primary goals are:
1. Safety
2. Preservation
3. Aesthetics
a. Tree #119, 13300 Ashford Drive - clean | b. Stump behind 13300 Ashford Drive - take down, leave on site |
c. Storm damaged stump, behind 13300 Ashford Drive -take down, leave on site | d. Tree #121, 13300 Ashford Drive - clean |
e. Tree #118, 13300 Ashford Drive - clean | f. Tree #112, 13300 Ashford Drive - take down and remove |
g. Red oak #117, 13300 Ashford Drive - clean | h. Ash #1, 13300 Ashford Drive - clean |
i. Oak #114, 13300 Ashford Drive - remove | J. Ash #2, 13324 Ashford Drive - remove |
k. Red Oak #3, 13324 Ashford Drive - clean | l. Pin oak, 13324 Ashford Drive - clean |
m. Red oak #4, 13326 Ashford Drive - clean | n. Cottonwood #5 13326 Ashford Drive - clean |
O. Cottonwood, 13326 Ashford Drive - clean | p. Cottonwood #6, 13326 Ashford Drive - clean end install one steel support cable |
q. Oak #7, 13326 Ashford Drive - clean | r. Ash #6, 13350 Ashford Drive - Install one steel support cable |
S. Ash #8, 13350 Ashford Drive - clean | t. Ash #10, 13355 Ashford Drive - install one steel support cable |
u. Oak #11, 13355 Ashford Drive - clean and install one steel support cable | v. Oak #12, 13335 Ashford Drive - clean |
w. 18" Pin oak, 13335 Ashford Drive - clean | x. Cottonwood #1219, 13335 Ashford Drive - install one steel support cable |
y. Tree #1451, 13335 Ashford Drive - take down, leave on site | z. Ash #13, 13335 Ashford Drive - install one steel support cable |
aa. 18" pin oak, 13335 Ashford Drive - clean | bb. Black cherry #15, 13315 Ashford Drive - clean and reduce |
cc. Red oak #1439, 13335 Ashford Drive - clean | dd. Oak #1430, 13305 Ashford Drive - install one steel support Cable |
ee. 15" American elm, 13305 Ashford Drive - clean | ff. 16" American elm, 13305 Ashford Drive - clean |
gg. 20" ash #186, along Ashford Drive, south Of Windmere Ct - take down, leave on site | hh. 16" Pin oak, south of Windmere Ct. on Ashford Drive - clean |
ii. 6" ash, along Ashford Drive south of Windmere Ct - take down, leave on site | jj. 20" burr oak #1403, on Ashford Drive south of VVindmere Ct. -clean half of tree overhanging common area |
kk. 8" ash, along Ashford Drive south of Windmere Ct. - take down, leave on site | ll. Shagbark hickory #1475, behind 28574 Scarborough Ct - clean |
mm. Ash #1951, behind 28587 Scarborough Ct - clean | nn. 6" dead cottonwood, behind 28595 Windmere ct. - take down, leave on site |
oo. 18" dead cottonwood, behind 28595 Windmere Ct - take down and leave on site | pp. 6" dead cottonwood, behind 28595 Windmere Ct. - take down and leave on site |
qq. 12" dead cottonwood, behind 28595 Windmere ct. -take down and leave on site | rr. Shagbark hickory #1130. south of Ashford Ct - install one steel support cable to reinforce split stems |
ss. Shagbark hickory #1123, along Ashford Drive, south of Ashford Ct. - clean | tt. Burr oak #1125, along Ashford Drive south of Ashford Ct. - clean and install one steel support cable to reinforce split stems |